Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Turn a Bad Habit Into a Good Idea

Tweak your bad health habits with these simple tips.

Hey, couch potato: Don't feel guilty indulging in Grey's Anatomy or Heroes — use the commercials as an excuse to burn calories. "There is probably an average of 15 minutes of commercials in an hour-long program," says Todd Astorino, PhD, EPC, of the Department of Kinesiology at California State University San Marcos. "If you exercised through each commercial break during just two hours of TV, you'd already have met the recommended amount of daily exercise necessary to reduce health risks."

He suggests rotating through basic calisthenics, like push-ups and squats, then add in standing calf-raises. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly lift up onto the balls of your feet, then return to a standing position. You can also use your couch to perform triceps dips: Starting from a seated position in front of the couch, place your hands next to your hips. Walk your feet out about a foot from the couch and, with your elbows bent, lift up onto your hands and scoot your hips forward. Lower your hips down slowly, then push back up.

Jesse Pittsley, PhD, EPC, an assistant professor of Exercise Science at Winston-Salem University, proposes using the time for resistance training. "My wife and I actually keep free weights in our media room," says Dr. Pittsley, who is also on the board of the American Society of Exercise Physiologists. Designate an exercise for each commercial break, like a military press or bicep curl. Use light weights, but try to do as many reps as possible before the show comes back on — trainers call these "burn-out" sets.

Bad Habit #1: Hitting the vending machine at 3 P.M.
Better Idea: Eat the right kind of lunch

Indulging in a calorie-laden snack mid-afternoon is a sure-fire way to pack on the pounds. "Low blood sugar is a sign of an empty stomach," says Tina Ruggiero, MS, RD, author of the nutrition blog, "and it probably means you didn't have enough of the right kinds of foods at lunch." Avoid the crash by picking high-fiber foods that will slow digestion — keeping you fuller longer. If you're still starving long before dinner, reach for a snack packed with both protein and simple carbs. "Try some mozzarella and a pear, or eat a cold chicken leg leftover from lunch with half of a mini-bagel," she says.

Bad Habit #2: Being too busy to exercise
Better Idea: Make fitness a priority in your schedule

"Being too busy is the number one reason people give as to why they don't exercise," says Pittsley. Rather than dropping other commitments to fit it in, try incorporating physical activity into your everyday life. "Why not take karate with your children instead of just dropping them off?" he suggests. If you're stuck in an office all day, Dr. Astorino suggests taking short breaks to walk around the building and using your lunch hour to hit the gym.

Bad Habit #3: Indulging a sweet tooth
Better Idea: Downsize your dessert portions

If you've got a hankering for sweets, don't try to ignore the craving completely. After all, "You can't replace a piece of chocolate cake with an apple," says Ruggiero. "Nothing satisfies like the real thing." You can, however, avoid wrecking your diet by eating just a small portion of whatever you're craving. "Eat the cake," Ruggiero says, "But have a brownie-size piece and s - a - v - o - r every little bite." Pair that with a large cup of coffee or tea (without a lot of sugar and cream) to help fill you up. You might also want to consider upping your fresh fruit intake — rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber; fresh fruit can be a great no-fat dessert substitute.

Bad Habit #4: Drinking too much soda pop and alcohol
Better Idea: Fill up with water instead

The body is made up of 60 to 70 percent water, which is used to regulate body temperature, help the blood transport oxygen to cells, and eliminate waste. While soda can contribute to fluid replenishment, the caffeinated ones act as a mild diuretic with a number of negative side effects, such as leaching calcium and other important minerals from the body. Unless you're drinking diet sodas, the extra calories from sugar can add pounds as well. Alcohol is also calorie-dense, so just a few extra drinks a week can lead to weight gain. Rather than avoiding soda pop and alcohol altogether, try "budgeting" the amount you drink. For example, if you're at a social event, suggests Ruggiero, "Save the glass of wine for after you've had a chance to eat something — the food will slow the absorption of the alcohol. Start the evening instead with sparkling water or diet tonic with lemon."

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