Wednesday, June 3, 2015

8 Keys to Low-Carb Eating

  1. Limit the amount of carbohydrates you eat at any meal to around 40 grams. Keep in mind that all carbs are not equal. High-fiber, complex carbs, such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains, will not raise your blood sugar as drastically as simple carbs, such as white bread and white pasta.
  2. Eat protein with each meal, which will keep your blood sugar levels stable and decrease your cravings for sugar. Good sources include fish, poultry, lean cuts of meat, lowfat dairy products and beans. For every 7 grams of protein you eat, you can complement it with 15 grams of carbs (but stick to the 40 grams of carbs a meal rule).
  3. Limit saturated and hydrogenated fats, such as butter, animal fats and the fat in processed foods, but eat moderate amounts of plant-based unsaturated fats and oils, such as olive oil and nuts. This will help you feel more satisfied while you're limiting your carbohydrate intake.
  4. Don't cut out entire food groups or types of food, such as all breads or dessert. The point is to learn how to eat wisely and make good choices, not to deny yourself good foods, including fruits and whole grains. And ignore silly advice like "Don't eat carrots or peas." No one eats enough of these foods to gain weight or make their blood sugar levels swing. Also, most people eat carrots and peas with something else, usually a protein or a fat, which cuts down on the potential sugar rush.
  5. Avoid processed foods and commercial baked goods, especially those that contain high-fructose corn syrup.
  6. Don't forget about portion size. Just because something is low carb doesn't mean you can eat as much of it as you want. Calories still count.
  7. Do some sort of exercise, such as walking, every day. It will not only keep your weight down, but also combat insulin resistance.
  8. Allow yourself to splurge once in a while. But try to include a protein with that high-carb treat to mellow the insulin response.

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